
China Overtakes U.S. as Top Government Funder of Ag Research

發布時間:2017-04-01 作者:北京聯創 來源:北京聯創

By Chuck Abbott From Successful Farming   3/8/2017

  The world’s largest farm exporter, the U.S., is also a global leader in agricultural innovation. Consider GMO crops grown on nearly half of U.S. cropland and on 440 million acres in more than two dozen nations.

  U.S. preeminence overshadows a startling change: China leads the U.S. by a large margin in government funding of food and ag research and development.

  China began pouring money into agricultural R&D at the same time that U.S. funding from federal and state sources stagnated and, about a decade ago, began to decline.

  According to three USDA economists, China surpassed the U.S. in public funding in 2009 and had a 2-to-1 advantage in 2013. They say reduced U.S. spending “may have negative implications for agricultural productivity” when dealing with new pests and diseases and with climate change.

  “The effects of a decline in public agricultural R&D are likely to become more pronounced over time if the pace of fundamental advances in agricultural sciences slows,” say economists Matthew Clancy, Keith Fuglie, and Paul Heisey in a USDA magazine. “Slippage of U.S. funding in agricultural R&D also carries implications for U.S. engagement with the global research community.”

上一篇:Open Innovation Drives Progress in Plant Breeding


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